my name is not important, not is my age, gender, or the place i's all about music

today, my first entry, i bring you scott reeder! this awesome dude was once the bassist for desert/stoner rock pioneers kyuss, and after they've split up he's been busy. He made a Solo album, recorded, played, and produced, entirely by - scott reeder!
truly a solo album indeed. it brings you stoner rock, with some hints of progressive rock and even some post-rock (ish) elements.
pretty effing awesome, you should really take a listen to this!
what scott himself has to say about his album:
During many of the recordings over the years, I never had any inkling they'd be released someday, so there's a candid vibe that weaves throughout 'TunnelVision Brilliance' that comes from having your guard way down," Reeder explains. "Passing through extreme life experiences, sometimes enhanced by altered states of consciousness, I feel like these pieces strip away the outside world and cut to the naked emotional core of whatever I was going through at the time; hence, that's a big part of the album’s concept.
"Death is a big underlying theme," he continues, "as is my fascination with the impossible feats the human psyche is capable of when forced into extreme duress — things that push one’s reality into the metaphysical realm. It's about the thin line between this plane and the next, the blurring between waking life and dreams, the physical and the spiritual, and the glimpses of the other side we might chance to experience during this lifetime. I hope listeners set aside any preconceptions as I did and just enjoy the ride, for this is only the beginning."
obviously, this guy is a major stoner and should be hailed by stoners everywhere for this.
1. "When I Was" - 1:17
2. "Thanks" – 2:56
3. "The Silver Tree" – 3:06
4. "Away" – 1:29
5. "Diamond" – 4:42
6. "When?" – 2:24
7. "For Renee" – 3:25
8. "The Day of Neverending" – 4:12
9. "Queen of Greed" – 2:40
10. "Fuck You All" – 4:11
11. "To an End" – 3:17
12. "The Fourth" – 3:34
13. "As I'm Dreamin'" – 4:28
Megaupload link:
thanks for reading and be back soon - for more music to listen to while freaking high!